Going full circle: a journal prompt to balance your life

Create balance in life. As a goal, that sounds pretty vague, lofty and overwhelming. In all honesty, I’d rather focus on getting to inbox zero, thank you very much. It’s more satisfying. Because life, in contrast to my email inbox, doesn’t go by read and unread. So, it’s tough to know where to begin. Here’s how I journal when I’m feeling really stuck, off-kilter and in need of a reset.

  1. Draw a circle.

  2. In your circle, add some categories. 

    Pull from the below list, or choose your own!

    • Career

    • Finance

    • Health

    • Family

    • Social

    • Romantic

    • Spiritual/Faith-based

    • Play (hobbies, joys, pastimes)

  3. Now draw a dot right in the center of your circle. That’s you. 

  4. Now slice the pie & rate each slice from 1-10. Are you fulfilled in this category? A ten means it couldn’t be better. 

    Pay attention to which categories you think you focus the most on. Make those the biggest slices of the pie.

Think of this as a budget for your life—a way to reflect on your time, your focus, and your energy.

In a budget, you direct your money and give each dollar a purpose. Here, you’re doing the same thing. This map tells you where you might want to invest—and where you might want to create some boundaries. For example, if your career slice isn’t leaving any room for hobbies & play, maybe reign it in on the late-night work emails. (For what it’s worth, science says investing a little more time to play can be a game-changer for your wellbeing.)

Fit to Get Well will continue to provide our favorite prompts and journaling tips to focus on wellbeing. In the meantime, let us know how going full circle worked for you.


Cope, don’t compare