What’s our why?

It’s hard to write about mental health.

We started Fit to Get Well because we saw something missing. Digital content is rife with the most attractive sides of wellness. To be real with you (and we always will be), as we sat down to write about mental health & our anxiety, we found that there’s a lot to unpack. Our goal is to put a real focus on wellness with mental health as the end game.

It’s also unbelievably necessary.

Statistically, we’re the most exhausted, medicated, in debt and loneliest generation in history. We lived through 9/11, through 2008, and now we’re living through a global pandemic. We hope to shed a light on all the ways your wellness can contribute to peace of mind, no matter what’s going on around you—and provide a dedicated place on the internet for these conversations to happen.

We brought a bag full of smoothie recipes, career and finance tips we’ll actually use and fitness routines we’ll actually stick with. Spiritually, mentally, physically—we’re here for it. The suitcase is packed for a journey that leaves us fit to get well.

This is for everyone.

We can do more together than alone, and together means all of us. So drop us a line if you’d like to contribute. Your voice matters, and you never know who can benefit from hearing it.

One more thing: we’re not experts.

…but that’s kind of the point. We’re in uncharted territory writing this type of content, being open about our experiences (gulp) and bringing it all back to our purpose of feeling well. Because more often than not, we’ve found that we’re not alone. Our colleagues, friends, and family members all have stories to tell about mental health, their lives and how it all ties together. Our vision and mission for Fit To Get Well is to tell those stories, and be the a little corner on the internet for all of them.

By the way, if you’re looking for the (actual) experts, here’s our guide to finding them.