Zoom workout etiquette 101

Picture it: headphones in, lights on, laptop open, frantically moving the clutter out of the frame right as you scramble to hit the infamous “Join With Video” button. Now that 2020 is almost over, pretty much all of us have been there. Of the very few predictable and preventable problems this year, Zoom awkwardness is most definitely near the top of the list. Here are a few ways to make your next virtual workout class go smoothly—and maybe even make a friend while you’re at it.

Before class: set up your *digital* space

  1. Tech check: look for your Zoom link in your email about 15 minutes before class, download or update your Zoom app, and any third-party booking or video apps (Vagaro and MindBody are popular).

  2. Zoom out: if possible, roll out your mat and weights in a large enough room so your whole figure fits on screen—the more space, the better.

  3. Bluetooth best-practice: connect your wireless headphones and listen to a song or two before class. You’ll get your energy up, avoid any sound glitches and eliminate background noise when class begins.

  4. Lights on, lights off: place your camera in front of a window or light, and make sure any lights behind you are off. If you’re back-lit, your teacher won’t be able to see you.

  5. Background beauties: clear the clutter behind you. The simplest background helps do away with distractions, and TBH: it’s poor taste to show off your fabulous quarantine location (Miss Manners says 2020 is no time to brag, darling).

During class: don’t be shy

  1. Be early: this one should be a given, but dial in a couple minutes ahead of class. (You’ll thank us later.)

  2. Say hi: while it’s not weird to wander right in to an in-person fitness class and take a spot in the back, that’s not the case in a virtual setting. Saying a quick hello is polite, and will be much appreciated. Any fur babies or roomies who might wander into the frame? Introduce them, too—it soothes any potential hiccups during class, and helps everyone feel more connected.

  3. To mute or un-mute: after exchanging hellos, smash that mute button so you can breathe and sweat freely.

  4. Camera on: it’s showtime, so be sure to participate with video on. Psst: it’s okay if you don’t look perfect—no one does.

  5. No shaky cam, please: if you have to move your Zoom device mid-workout, turn off your video first. It’s a small thing that helps your fellow classmates avoid getting vertigo as you move to a new spot.

Pro tip: pets are welcome to join your Zoom workout—and it doesn’t hurt to introduce them.

After class: stick around & say thanks

  1. Stay and chat: take a minute to sit screen-side after your last bicep curl or savasana.

  2. Say thanks: your teacher will appreciate a simple thank-you, and any positive feedback you had about the class, i.e. “I loved that song you played at the end!” A little compliment can go a long way.


Let’s talk workout burnout