This week’s top wellness tips

Adopting habits that support your mental health is important (making your bed every day can actually make you happier—who knew?), but what you & your mind need will change with the seasons. Fit to Get Well will bring you a few new tips each week for staying centered and weeding out distractions.

  1. Speaking of weeding out distractions …
    try & limit your election coverage consumption

    Election day became election week this cycle due to record numbers of mail-in ballots as a result of COVID-19. And, by way of the president’s multiple legal battles, it’s looking likely that the battle over the transition of power is going to create an election month.

    Our first ever wellness tip is to avoid toxic social & news media consumption. And if you can’t totally cut it out (I still search a certain someone’s maniacal Twitter rants on the daily) limit yourself. Pay attention to your screen report more than your screen this week, indulge in a new show, make virtual or in-person plans with a friend, and distract yourself. This is going to go on for a bit more—the President shows no signs of conceding, and the President-Elect forges ahead with transition plans—so one of the best things you can do for any election-related anxiety is to compartmentalize, give yourself breaks, and focus on the ways you can help, like engaging in local politics.

  2. Try out a new morning schedule

    Getting some sun & warmth in before the workday starts became a pillar of our quarantine routines during the warmer months. As the days get colder and the daylight dwindles, finding some time for yourself in the morning is a great way to clear your mind for the day ahead.

    A 2018 study found that during strenuous times (which, yep, a global pandemic constitutes) sticking to a healthy routine helps more than many realize, creating stability and calm. And a productive morning routine can increase motivation and boost your mood, setting the tone for a successful day ahead. Experts recommend the usual culprits—prep the night before with a good night’s sleep, make your bed, eat a proper breakfast—along with new, quarantine-induced recommended habits like faking a morning commute. We are huge advocates of fitting in a 30-minute morning walk, although you can always literally fake your commute like our friends on TikTok.

3. Refine your self-care routine

Treat yourself to those skincare products you’ve been eyeing, grab a face mask, or try out new essential oils in your diffuser (or just go for a new bottle of Cabernet—self-care can take on many different forms). Our goal this week? Reinvent bath or shower time by lighting candles, trying out a new Kiehl’s exfoliator to combat winter skin dryness, and yes, bringing the glass of cab to the tub.

The mental health benefits of sticking to a routine have been proven tenfold, but did you know switching up your routines can actually improve memory and boost overall cognitive health? Turns out variety could be the spice of life after all.


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